Making a difference in leader’s lives!

Dr. Ken Keis was born and raised expected to take over his family’s dairy farm, Ken is no stranger to radical change and growth. It wasn’t until he owned his own farm that he woke up at 5 AM (as usual) and asked himself, “if I did this for the next 20 years, would I be okay?” The answer was a resounding and immediate “NO!”
Ken decided to take action. Admittedly it was intimidating. But after a difficult conversation with his family–where he had to explain why he was breaking with three generations of Eastern European family tradition–he began to pursue his passion as a professional speaker, educator and communicator.He learned not to let fear hold him back in a situation where he would not feel fulfilled or On Purpose!
Ten years later, Ken found himself travelling worldwide as a speaker, trainer and consultant. As a highly sought after professional development expert, speaker and trainer - his business grew to the point where he was doing over 200 presentations a year. At first that seemed great but after 5 years and 1500 days away from home it was not the lifestyle that Ken wanted to continue. Having a young family it was clear
that this was no way to be an effective father and supportive spouse. Not to mentioned the toll this amount of travel can have on your body and system. Once again Ken shifted his business model; from a speaker who wrote to an author who speaks.
He learned the hard way that what he values most is his family and health… and thankfully was able to make a change before it was too late.
Dr. Keis became the leader of Consulting Resource Group International, Inc., an organization (since 1979) that has helped more than 1 million people in 5,000 organizations worldwide improve employee satisfaction, productivity and assisted individuals, teams and organizations to realize their potential.
Today, Ken’s passion remains leading others to experience the same clarity and joy he did by creating a life of purpose, and empowering leaders to empower others. In the past 28 years, Dr. Keis has authored more than 4 million words of content, (including 4 books, 10 assessments and 40 full day training programs) conducted over 3000 presentations and fulfilled 10,000 hours of consulting and coaching. Ken work has had a profound impact in the world in the past three decades.

Dr. Mitch Javidi holds a Ph.D. from the University of Oklahoma and is the co-founder of the International Academy of Public Safety (IAPS), the Readiness Network Inc., the Criminal Justice Commission on Credible Leadership Development (CJC-CLD), and Beroe, Inc.
Mitch is a visionary, with over 30 years of practical and hands-on business experience in diverse industries such as academia, automotive, banking, insurance, government, military, law enforcement, retail, logistics, oil & chemical, pharma, procurement, supply chain, and technology. Dr. Javidi has served numerous Fortune 500 clients such as AT&T, Aventis, American Systems Hospitals Pharmacists, American Accreditation HealthCare Commission, Ford Motor Company, GlaxoSmithKline, Independent Electrical Contracts, John Deere, Micell Technologies, Nortel Networks, Parata Technologies, Pfizer, Plasma Energy, TEAMM Pharmaceuticals, Union Carbide, Valeant, and Wal-Mart, to name just a few.
As a globally-recognized expert on leadership development, Mitch has trained leaders at the Joint Special Operations Command, and the US Army Special Operations Command, and has been awarded the honorary member of the United States Army Special Operations Command. A past tenured Associate Professor at NC State University, he continues to serve as an Adjunct Professor at NC State and Illinois State Universities. He is a member of the “Academy of Outstanding Teachers and Scholars” and the Distinguished 2004 Alumni of the University of Oklahoma.
Mitch has published over 100 articles and has made over 1900 presentations worldwide. Mitch was the recipient of the prestigious “Person of the Year” award by the National Society of Accountants. His passion is to develop leaders who can develop leaders. Mitch is co-author of Deliberate Leadership and the Moral Compass both now used in his Law Enforcement Training Programs.
Having a powerful presenter at your next event can be the difference between individuals walking away ready to take action... or just walking away. Both Mitch and Ken have a dynamic presence on stage leaving participants solid actionable steps to improve their life and leadership. They can keynote at your conference, do concurrent workshops or conduct in-depth training programs for your organizations. Between them they have 60 years of professional development experience so you won’t be disappointed in having Ken, Mitch or both of them serving you and your organization.
From a small group of leaders on a retreat to hundreds or thousands at a large event, Dr. Keis and Dr. Javidi are powerful speakers that will move your group to the next level of engagement both personally and professionally.
Informed by his Grade 9 English teacher that he would never amount to anything, because he could not read or write well - Ken never expected to a writer. Thirty years later, Ken is an internationally known author and leadership expert. As part of an immigrant family (at 13 years of age) Mitch overcame adapting to a new language and culture by sheer determination- and now teaching others this same resilience skill set. Both Ken and Mitch have received endorsements from renowned leaders and bestsellers such as Kenneth Blanchard, Les Hewitt, Marshall Goldsmith, Colonel Ted Spain and Jim Kouzes.
Join us on this quest and stay up to date on Ken’s speaking engagements, articles, videos, podcasts and more.